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I'm Ok, You're Ok: A Practical Guide to Transactional Analysis

I'm Ok, You're Ok: A Practical Guide to Transactional Analysis
La langue : Francaise - English
Filformat : E-Book
Date de publication : 1974-06-01
Les éditeurs : Thomas A. Harris
Disponibilité: en stock

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The second part left me with mixed feelings. If you're used to architectural readings, you won't learn much, in my opinion. OK, it's a book on software architecture, but actual architectures are expected, and some displayed architectures (like web services) are obvious, although Facebook's chapter is interesting in that matter.

I'm reluctant to admit I read this book, let alone enjoyed it, but I did. I have all kinds of defensive things to say like 'I only read it because I could borrow it as an ebook from the library', or 'I don't even want to get married myself'.

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It is often overlooked the fact that SQL Server comes with a true load balancing capability available in ALL editions (including Express), with the know how to route related requests to the same node to avoid transaction replication and built-in support for high availability on each node. It costs nothing extra in licensing (other than the SQL ...

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The second part left me with mixed feelings. If you're used to architectural readings, you won't learn much, in my opinion. OK, it's a book on software architecture, but actual architectures are expected, and some displayed architectures (like web services) are obvious, although Facebook's chapter is interesting in that matter.

DDD is definitely not getting the amount of attention it deserves. If you're new to DDD and thinking of reading a book that will introduce you DDD concepts, this is the right choice. It takes out the best from Evan's classic "Domain Driven Design" and mixes in some modern concepts and advices for pragmatic DDD or overall architecture.

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The collusion was illegal and would have been impossible without enforcement by Mr. Geshuri and others like him. If he knew it was wrong, he was immoral. If he didn't know it was wrong, he was stupid. And I'm afraid that same calculus applies to the rest of the board that thought it would be a good idea to bring him on.

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